Sorts an array using Binarysearch method


public static String DoTest()
         String strRet = "";
         // Creates and initializes a new Array.
         Array myIntArray = Array.CreateInstance( typeof(Int32), 5 );
         for ( int i = myIntArray.GetLowerBound(0); i <= myIntArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++ )
                  myIntArray.SetValue( i*2, i );

         // Displays the values of the Array.
         strRet += "The Int32 array contains the following:\r\n";
         strRet += PrintValues( myIntArray );

         // Locates a specific object that does not exist in the Array.
         int myObjectOdd = 3;
         strRet += FindMyObject(myIntArray, myObjectOdd );

         // Locates an object that exists in the Array.
         Int32 myObjectEven = 6;
         strRet += FindMyObject(myIntArray, myObjectEven );

         return strRet;

public static String PrintValues(Array myArr)
         String strAll = "";
         foreach(Int32 n in myArr)
                  strAll += (n.ToString() + "\t");
         strAll += "\r\n";
         return strAll;

public static string FindMyObject(Array myArr, Object myObject )
         int myIndex=Array.BinarySearch( myArr, myObject );
         string strRet = "";
         if ( myIndex < 0 )
                  strRet = string.Format("The object to search for ({0}) is not found. The next larger object is at index {1}.", myObject, ~myIndex);
                  strRet = string.Format("The object to search for ({0}) is at index {1}.", myObject, myIndex );
         return strRet;


Blaze++ .NET

static String DoTest()
         String strRet = "";
         // Creates and initializes a new Array.
         Array myIntArray = Array::CreateInstance( typeof(Int32), 5 );
         for ( int i = myIntArray.GetLowerBound(0); i <= myIntArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++ )
                  myIntArray.SetValue( i*2, i );

         // Displays the values of the Array.
         strRet += "The Int32 array contains the following:\r\n";
         strRet += PrintValues(myIntArray );

         // Locates a specific object that does not exist in the Array.
         Int32 myObjectOdd = 3;
         strRet += FindMyObject(myIntArray, myObjectOdd );

         // Locates an object that exists in the Array.
         Int32 myObjectEven = 6;
         strRet += FindMyObject(myIntArray, myObjectEven );

         return strRet;

static String PrintValues(Array& myArr)
         String strAll = "";
         foreach(Int32, n, myArr)
                  strAll += (n.ToString() + "\t");
         strAll += "\r\n";
         return strAll;

static String FindMyObject(Array& myArr, Object& myObject )
         Int32 myIndex=Array::BinarySearch( myArr, myObject );
         String strRet = "";
         if ( myIndex < 0 )
                  strRet = String::Format("The object to search for ({0}) is not found. The next larger object is at index {1}.", myObject, (Int32)~myIndex);
                  strRet = String::Format("The object to search for ({0}) is at index {1}.", myObject, myIndex );
         return strRet;